Smyrna-Knüpfteppich from Connections
Silkscreen on paper
Support size: 27 3/8 x 19 1/2 inches; Image size: 20 1/8 x 15 1/8 inches
1925 / 1983
The term “Smyrna” refers to handwoven Turkish carpets as well as floral patterns in textile design. Knüpfteppich is German for “knotted carpet.” This print, Smyrna-Knüpfteppich, was copied from a preparatory drawing, originally created by Anni in a weaving workshop at the Bauhaus in 1925, for a rug that was later made under the same name. Anni’s entire aesthetic, from textiles to prints and even her wardrobe, was characterized by structure and a distinct lack of decoration. In an era when traditional rug patterns embraced floral motifs and swirling designs, Anni took pleasure in constructing her artworks in every sense of the word. Her drawings, weaves, and prints delved into the essence of her materials, transforming lines and shapes of color through explorations of proportions, rhythms, and materials.
As exhibited in:
Bauhaus to Black Mountain: Josef and Anni Albers, 2019–2020, North Carolina Museum of Art, Raleigh, North Carolina
Inspired Encounters: Women Artists and the Legacies of Modern Art, 2022–2023, David Rockefeller Creative Arts Center, Tarrytown, New York
Other works by this artist