Untitled from Connections
Silkscreen on paper
Support size: 27 1/2 x 19 1/2 inches; Image size: 23 1/8 x 15 1/4 inches
Anni’s Latin American travels certainly had a strong influence on her body of work. In Untitled, a viewer may see that these abstracted line fragments as references to glyphs or some similar form of ancient script. Earlier versions of these seemingly chaotic shapes began as small sketches done in felt-tip pen on paper. Eventually these “scribble glyphs” were arranged as prints, filling the center of the page, completely removing any text-based comparisons, and focusing solely on the “tv static” abstraction in the center of the page.
Tastes are expressions of transitory demands and are of powerful and often devastating effect. They exalt that which answers a momentary inclination to prominent position and condemn what does not appeal to them. …Only time shows what outlasts momentary tendencies and has true greatness. …Only art is left to us in unchanging absoluteness.
–Anni Albers, “Art—A Constant," 1939.
As exhibited in:
Inspired Encounters: Women Artists and the Legacies of Modern Art, 2022–2023, David Rockefeller Creative Arts Center, Tarrytown, New York
Other works by this artist