The Artist in Everyone
Black Mountain College introduced a bold new paradigm not only to the arts, but to the art of education. From the outset, the school was a liberal arts institution, a place where all other subject matter was considered secondary to the “elementary courses in Music, Dramatic, or the fine arts.” Both established artists and aspiring novices made their way to the utopian arden—some eager to escape New York’s stifling summer heat and others who spent a stretch of years developing artistic identities. Linear progression along an academic path was not integral to BMC’s mission. Rather, as the school’s founder, John Andrew Rice, wrote: “There is no expectation that many students will become artists; in fact the College regards it as a sacred duty to discourage mere talent from thinking itself genius; but there is something of the artist in everyone and the development of this talent, however small, carrying with it a severe discipline of its own, results in the student becoming more sensitive to order in the world and within himself than he can ever be through intellectual effort alone.”
The following Black Mountain College students and faculty members are represented in The Johnson Collection: Anni Albers, Joseph Albers, Leo Amino, Ruth Asawa, Ilya Bolotowsky, Mary Callery, John Cage, John Chamberlain, Elaine De Kooning, Robert De Niro, Sr., Lyonel Feininger, Joseph Fiore, Buckminster Fuller, Balcomb Greene, Peter Grippe, Fannie Hillsmith, Elizabeth Jennerjahn, Pete Jennerjahn, Ray E. Johnson, Karen Karnes, Gwendolyn Knight, Leo Krikorian, Ingeborg Lauterstein, Robert Motherwell, Kenneth Noland, Pat Passlof, James Prestini, Robert Rauschenberg, Jo Sandman, Xanti Schawinsky, Oli Sihvonen, Sewell Sillman, Kenneth Snelson, Theodoros Stamos, Jack Tworkov, John Urbain, Jean Varda, Esteban Vicente, Susan Weil, Emerson Woelffer, and Ossip Zadkine.
Photo credit: Masato Nakagawa, Buckminster Fuller's 'Autonomous Dwelling Facility' Dome at Black Mountain College, 1949. Courtesy of Black Mountain College Collection, Western Regional Archives, State Archives of North Carolina.