Reflections of South Carolina
TJC Gallery, Spartanburg, South Carolina
September 18, 2014 – November 28, 2014
A companion exhibition to the book of the same title, Reflections of South Carolina features work by South Carolina artists—either native-born or adopted sons and daughters—who chose the Palmetto State as their subject matter. The exhibition will mark the Spartanburg debut of one of the collection’s most notable recent acquisitions, a monumental watercolor by Charleston artist Mary Whyte. Measuring over five feet in height, Shroud pays homage to the vanishing textile mill worker of the American South. Other artists represented in the exhibition include William Halsey, Corrie McCallum, Edmund Yaghjian, Leo Twiggs, James Herring, Sigmund Abeles, Alfred Hutty, Merton Simpson, Anna Heyward Taylor, and Edward Rice, among others.