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Spartanburg, South Carolina
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In Spartanburg
The Art of Black Mountain College
Exhibition Catalogues
Edges of Ailey
at the Whitney 2024
Draped in Time
with Landon Bryant
Loïs Jones at La Biennale 2022
Requiem for Mother Emanuel
Alice Smith in
Where the Crawdads Sing
Directory of Southern Women Artists
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AC Hotel Spartanburg
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Artist Index
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Abeles, Sigmund
Acorn, John
Adams, Wayman
Aid, George
Albers, Anni
Albers, Josef
Alberts, John
Alston, Charles
Allston, Washington
Amino, Leo
Amos, Emma
Anderson, Walter
Andrews, Benny
Appleman, David
Armstrong, Jane
Artis, William
Asawa, Ruth
Ashe, Edmund
Backus, A. E.
Bane, McDonald
Barnard, Robert
Barnes, Ernie
Barthe, Richmond
Bartlett, Bo
Baskerville, Charles
Bassett, Richard
Beal, Jack
Bearden, Romare
Beattie, George
Beerman, John
Bell, Wenonah
Bellows, George
Berns, Ben
Biddle, George
Biggers, John
Binford, Julien
Bireline, George
Bishop, Richard
Blaine, Nell
Blair, Carl
Blakeslee, Sarah
Blanch, Lucile
Bolling, Leslie
Bolotowsky, Ilya
Bonge, Dusti
Bopp, Emery
Brandt, Warren
Branson, Lloyd
Brenner, Carl
Britt, Benjamin
Broderson, Robert
Brook, Alexander
Brown, John
Brown, Roger
Brown, Samuel
Bruce, Patrick
Bryan, Richard
Bucci, Andrew
Buchanan, Beverly
Buchanan, James
Burchfield, Charles
Burgess, Marguerite
Burke, Selma
Burroughs, Margaret
Burwell, Lilian
Bush, Joseph
Cabaniss, Lila
Cabaniss, Mary
Cady, Harrison
Cage, John
Cain, Joseph
Callery, Mary
Callicott, Burton
Calloway, Marie Johnson
Campbell, Thomas
Carlisle, Mary
Carr, Lyell
Catlett, Elizabeth
Cave, Joseph
Chadwick, William
Chamberlain, John
Chant, Elisabeth
Chapman, Conrad
Chapman, John
Charlot, Jean
Chesse, Ralph
Clark, Adèle
Clark, Chevis
Clark, Claude
Clark, Eliot
Clark, Kate
Cloar, Carroll
Cohen, Isabel
Cook, August
Cook, Irma
Cooke, George
Cooper, Colin
Cooper, Don
Cooper, James
Cooper, William
Coulon, George
Couper, Josephine
Courtright, Robert
Cox, Joe
Coxe, G. Caliman
Crawley, Ida
Creecy, Herbert
Cress, George
Curran, Charles
Daingerfield, Elliott
Davis, Ulysses
Day, Horace
de Creeft, Jose
de Kooning, Elaine
Delaney, Beauford
Delaney, Joseph
Dempsey, Richard
De Niro Sr., Robert
Denmark, James
Dial, Thornton
Dickinson, Sidney
Diecks, Lucy
Dodd, Lamar
Dodge, William
Donaldson, Jeff
Donoho, Gaines
Douglas, Aaron
Downing, Joseph
Downing, Thomas
Doyle, Sam
Dreskin, Jeanet
Driskell, David
Drysdale, Alexander
Duncanson, Robert Seldon
Dunlap, William
Durieux, Caroline
Edmondson, William
Elder, John
Ellertson, Homer
Evans, Minnie
Evans, Virginia
Faulkner, Frank
Faulkner, Henry
Feininger, Lyonel
Finster, Howard
Fiore, Joseph
Fitzgerald, Zelda
Fitzpatrick, Kelly
Foster, E. T. H.
Fraser, Charles
Fraser, West
Frerichs, William
Fuller, Buckminster
Gambrell, Reuben
Gasser, Henry
Gatewood, Maud
Gaul, Gilbert
Gay, Edward
Geter, Tyrone
Gilchrist, Emma
Gilliam, Sam
Gillis, Crawford
Gilmour, Gina
Godwin, Judith
Goldthwaite, Anne
Goodbred, Ray
Goreleigh, Rex
Goss, Bernard
Goulet, Lorrie
Greene, Balcomb
Gregory, Angela
Grigsby, Eugene
Grippe, Peter
Grooms, Red
Gropper, William
Gruppe, Emile
Gwathmey, Robert
Hale, Ellen
Hall, Lee
Halsey, William
Hamer, Lenore
Hampton, Phillip
Hankins, Cornelius
Harleston, Edwin
Harris, Bill
Harrison, Birge
Hartley, Paul
Hartley, Rachel
Hawkins, William
Hayden, Palmer
Heldner, Colette
Heldner, Knute
Henry, Edward
Hergesheimer, Ella
Herring, James
Hill, Anne
Hill, Hattie
Hillsmith, Fannie
Hines, Felrath
Hirsch, Willard
Hoffman, Harry
Hollingsworth, William
Holty, Carl
Holzhauer, Emil
Hopkins, Edna
Hopkins, James
Hopper, Edward
Houchens, Douglas
Houston, John
Houston, Nora
Howard, John
Howell, Claude
Hubard, Willliam
Huggins, Victor
Hull, Marie
Hunter, Anna
Hunter, Clementine
Hunter, Robert
Huntington, Anna
Hursh, Frank
Hutty, Alfred
Hyde, Helen
Ingerle, Rudolph
Irvine, Wilson
Ivy, Gregory
Jackson, Herb
Jarrell, Wadsworth
Jaudon, Valerie
Jennerjahn, Elizabeth
Jennerjahn, Pete
Jenkins, Mary Anne
Johnson, Eastman
Johns, Jasper
Johnson, Joshua
Johnson, Malvin Gray
Johnson, Ray
Johnson, William Henry
Joiner, Harvey
Jones, Fred
Jones, Lois Mailou
Jones, Louis
Jones, Myrtle
Jones, Nell Choate
Jordan, Anita
Kahn, Wolf
Karnes, Karen
Karp, Aaron
Keffer, Frances
Kendall, William
Kent, Rockwell
Key, John Ross
Kiah, Virginia
Kimbrough, Sara
King, Charles
Kinsey, Alberta
Knee, Gina
Knight, Gwendolyn
Kohlhepp, Dorothy
Kohlhepp, Norman
Kohlmeyer, Ida
Koopman, Augustus
Krikorian, Leo
Kuck, Anne
LaFrance, Helen
Lahey, Richard
Lansot, Aimable
Lapsley, John
Latimer, Glenna
Laufman, Sidney
Lauterstein, Ingeborg
Law, Margaret
Lawrence, Jacob
Lawrence, Robert
Lazzell, Blanche
Lee-Smith, Hughie
Lemm, Adele
Lewandowski, Edmund
Lewis, Norman
Lewis, Samella
Lofton, Joseph
London, Edith
London, Frank
Luks, George
Lutz, Adelia
MacMahon, Raymond
Malone, Blondelle
Manigault, Edward Middleton
Mason, Maud
Martin, Andrew
Mazzanovich, Lawrence
McAdams, Gladys
McCallum, Corrie
McCrady, John
McGee, Charles
McIver, Beverly
McLean, James
McMillan, James
Meeker, Joseph
Meissner, Leo
Melchers, Gari
Melrose, Andrew
Mignot, Louis
Millet, Clarence
Mitchell, Corinne
Mitchell, Fred
Moose, Philip
Morgan, Sister Gertrude
Morrison, Hal
Morsberger, Philip
Moseley, Helen DuPre
Mosler, Henry
Motherwell, Robert
Mullen, Philip
Munger, Anne
Murphy, Christopher
Nash, Anne
Neal, Robert
Newman, Robert
Newman, Willie
Niland, Jim
Noble, Thomas
Noland, Kenneth
Nourse, Elizabeth
Nye, Edgar
Oelschig, Augusta
Oertel, Johannes
O'Kelley, Mattie
Oubre, Hayward
Ousley, William
Paine, May
Pajaud, William
Parrish, Clara
Passlof, Pat
Pearson, Henry
Pfeiffer, Heinrich
Pierce, Delilah
Pierce, Elijah
Pittman, Hobson
Plaschke, Paul
Pollak, Theresa
Porter, Fairfield
Porter, James
Potter, Ted
Powell, Lucien
Prestini, James
Pugh, Mabel
Pusey, Mavis
Quest, Jr., Charles
Rauschenberg, Robert
Raymond, Kathryn
Reath, Brannan
Reath, Dorothy
Rector, Robert
Reich, Fred
Reid, Robert
Rembert, Winfred
Rice, Dan
Rice, Edward
Richards, Thomas
Ripley, Aiden
Rivers, Haywood
Rohland, Caroline
Rohland, Paul
Rose, Arthur
Rosenbaum, Art
Ross, Edward
Rowe, Nellie Mae
Rowell, Louis
Ruellan, Andree
Rutenberg, Brian
Ryder, Chauncey
Sandman, Jo
Saunders, Boyd
Saussy, Hattie
Savage, Augusta
Sawyer, Bill
Sawyier, Paul
Scarborough, William
Schawinsky, Xanti
Schoppe, Palmer
Scott, Dorothy
Scott, William
Sebree, Charles
Selden, Dixie
Shahn, Ben
Sheridan, Mark
Sherwood, Mary Clare
Sherwood, Rosina
Shuptrine, Hubert
Sihvonen, Oli
Silva, William
Sillman, Sewell
Sills, Thomas
Simon, Walter
Simpson, Merton
Sims, Bernice
Smith, Alice Ravenel Huger
Smith, Charles
Smith, Gladys Nelson
Smith, Houghton
Smith, Marshall
Smith, Russell
Smith, Xanthus
Snelson, Kenneth
Sockwell, Carroll
Speight, Francis
Spelman, John
Spong, Laura
Stamos, Theodoros
Stanley, Tom
Stearns, Junius
Steene, William
Stevens, Will Henry
Stevens, William Lester
Stevenson, Florence
Stuart, James
Sully, Thomas
Sultan, Donald
Sykes, Maltby
Tanksley, Ann
Taylor, Anna Heyward
Taylor, Grace
Taylor, Prentiss
Tharin, Selma
Theus, Jeremiah
Thieme, Anthony
Thomas, Alma
Thomas, Anne
Thomas, Howard
Thomas, Mary
Thomason, Eugene
Thompson, Alfred
Thompson, Bob
Thompson, Mildred
Thompson, Walter
Thrash, Dox
Thorpe, Thomas
Tolliver, Mose
Tolliver, William
Tracy, Glen
Tracy, John
Traylor, Bill
Turner, Helen
Turner, Robert
Twiggs, Leo
Tworkov, Jack
Tyzack, Michael
Urbain, John
Varda, Jean
Vaudechamp, Jean-Joseph
Verner, Elizabeth O'Neill
Viavant, George
Vicente, Esteban
Walker, James
Walker, William
Waring, Laura Wheeler
Washington, William
Watson, Amelia
Way, Andrew
Weber, Frederick
Weil, Susan
Weill, Erna
Weir, Robert
Weiss, Allen
Wells, Albert
Wells, James
Werger, Art
West, William
Wharton, James
Wheelock, Warren
White, Charles
White, Edwin
Whyte, Mary
Wightman, Thomas
Wikstrom, Bror
Wiley, Catherine
Wiley, Eleanor
Wilkins, Emma
Willis, Eola
Williams, Adele
Williams, Enid
Williams, Walter
Wilson, Ellis
Wingo, Winston
Woelffer, Emerson
Wolfe, Karl
Wolfe, Mildred
Wood, Thomas
Woodruff, Hale
Woodward, Ellsworth
Wootten, Bayard
Wright, George
Yaghjian, Edmund
Yandell, Enid
Yanko, Paul
Young, Kenneth
Young, Purvis
Youngerman, Jack
Zadkine, Ossip
Zerbe, Karl
Zogbaum, Rufus